Please read this info carefully and to the very end if your credit card has been charged and you want to cancel or you have no records of your order
It has come to our attention that another entity is operating as Success Road Academy and selling get-rich-quick scheme courses which we absolutely don’t support and believe in. We’ve been in contact with our federal police in Canada (RCMP) to find a solution for this, but so far we have had no luck.
If you have signed up for a course for $4.97 for a trial period or you have been invited to a job for Facebook that you need to pay $47/month to make some money or anything like these type of thing , the company that you purchased your program or have received emails from is not us, although they might be using the same name. We’ve been trying to support and help people to find that company, but so far we haven’t been able to find the contact info of this entity.
Here are the steps that we would take if we purchased a program of such nature:
- We would contact our credit card provider to see how they can reverse the charges and cancel all future payments.
- We would also ask for a new credit card number to avoid any future fraud on our credit card.
You may decide to take these actions or any other action that you see fit, after consulting with your advisers at your own risk. Also, if you were able to track down that company, we would appreciate it if you shared their contact info with us. That company is using the word Success Road Academy which is our Registered Trademark and is committing Trademark Infringement, and we have been looking for them for the past few months. If you feel you have any information that can help us to reach that company or their operators, please contact us via our contact us page. Thanks for your support.